Is It Time to Hire a Fractional CFO?

Is It Time to Hire a Fractional CFO?

August 27, 2024
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Kordis Staff Writer

Discover the benefits of hiring an experienced CFO on a part-time or project basis.

Is It Time to Hire a Fractional CFO?

It is a question that many business owners ask themselves when they are growing their business or when business growth has stalled.

Pocket CFO

A fractional Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a financial expert who provides high-level financial management and strategic guidance on a part-time or project basis rather than being employed in-house. They are adept at harmonizing the financial activities of a growing business efficiently, effectively, and remotely. They are unburdened by the day-to-day business activities, allowing them to focus solely on the high-level financial needs of your company. Benefits of a fractional CFO:

  1. Cost-effective financial resource
  2. Focused financial management
  3. Aid business growth
  4. Specialized expertise and leadership

A full-sized CFO at a fraction of the price

Whether you are a pre-revenue startup or a company generating $50m, you have the same financial worries as every business owner or leader worldwide. And like every business owner or leader, those worries are the responsibility of the CFO, whose knowledge and expertise guide the financial strategy of the business.

Regardless of the salary expectations of a full-time, c-suite CFO, an in-house employee will also require medical cover, life insurance, 401(k) contributions, disability protection (short-term and long-term), and more.

Fractional CFOs are the same as in-house CFOs but at a fraction of the cost. With an outsourced fractional CFO, you pay what's on the price tag—nothing more, nothing less—and in return, they bring their expertise and software, and even their own pen and paper.

Next-level financial management

Google the top financial challenges for business owners, and every search result will come down to three main challenges:

  1. Cash flow management
  2. Financial planning
  3. Financial analyses

The bedrock of every Kordis fractional CFO is the thorough management of cash flow, financial planning, and analysis. From there, they strategize options to upscale your business.

Building tomorrow's business today

Scaling your business for tomorrow can seem like a pipe dream for many business owners. Time and experience—and even knowing what a future business would look like—limit the ability to think about tomorrow. All Kordis fractional CFOs are experts in scalability, mergers and acquisitions, and futureproofing, allowing you to focus on your business today while they help shape your business for tomorrow.

Fractional CFOs are not all created equally

Few would trust a used-car salesperson in a golf shirt who announces that every vehicle is a "great great car." And the same goes for unqualified CFOs.

Kordis fractional CFOs are classically trained professionals with experience across various US-based industries. Plus, Kordis fractional CFOs all use our proprietary Kordis accounting software. They are your bespoke plug-and-play CFO.

Is it time to hire a fractional CFO?

Reminiscent of America's Got Talent, if it is a "yes" to cost-effective resourcing, a "yes" to focused financial management, and a "yes" to specialized expertise and leadership, then get in touch with Kordis today.

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